Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"How To Live Up To 200 Years or Longer!"

Recipe For Long Life

Izumi, a sugar cane farmer, sure knew about fatburnoff having lived a simple life on a remote coral Island. When asked about his longevity, he ascribed it to living a simple life and never overeating .

On his 120th birthday he also credited his daily glass of schochu a local white rum with keeping him young. When his doctor advised him to stop drinking, he replied;"Without schochu there would be no pleasure in life. I would rather die than give up drinking".

Apart from his striking peace of mind, Izumi's longevity can probably be ascribed to two reasons: he worked physically hard all his life and continued taking exercise well into his old age, something westerners seldom keep up in later years, he started each day with a stroll and weeded his vegetable garden.

In addition to this, he always ate a typical Japanese diet, low in fats, with large quantities of fish, and in particular, mackerel which is a fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vegetables. He ate very little meat.Throughout his life it is notable, that he had suffered very few illnesses.

Off course there were other contenders since him, laying claim to the title of "oldest man in recent history", but his was the highest documented case to date.

However when looking back to the 1400's, Izumi's age pales by comparison as a certain Thomas Parr, born at Winning-ton, Shropshire in England in 1483 had lived to the RIPE old age of 152 years! An agricultural laborer, his typical diet would have consisted of: course bread, cheese, vegetables and ale.

He is reputed to have gotten married at long last, to his first wife, Jane Taylor at age 80 years and fathered Jane's son and also a daughter, who had unfortunately died in infancy.


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